Thursday, October 19, 2006

School Identity Problems

Last week, I went to another event for my snooty faux-religious prep high school. We have a new headmaster who decided to make a pilgrimage to New York to meet all of us New York alums and make his show us all the new bells and whistles at our school and make his sales pitch to get more money out of us.

He was going through his powerpoint presentation of the physical improvements to the school when he arrived at the slide of our brand new football field, which I have to say must have cost a fortune. It looks like something a football field at one of the Friday Night Lights high schools because we certainly were not a football powerhouse in Virginia. Well, maybe we are now. I have no idea. Anyhow, we were looking at our new idyllic playground of artificial grass when one of my fellow alums commented on the gigantic "S" in the middle of the field. Now, my school was one of those classically elite private schools, so of course we had to be named after some random saint. So we all kind of gave a strange look, when she asked "Whose decision was it to use 'S'?" Someone chimed in "As opposed to what?" And she said "well, how about 'A'"? Everyone in the room, even the people visiting from Virginia, gave her a strange look, and we asked her "What school did you go to, Albemarle?" Which horror of horrors is a public school.

Sidebar: Later that evening I realized she meant "A" as in "Anne" since our school is St. Anne's. Looks like the joke was on us.


Anonymous said...

From Jayne: Sounds like the new headmaster may not appreciate the STAB designation (for St. Anne's - Belfield School). I am wondering why it is not STAB in the middle of the field? Perhaps it was too much to do all the letters, so they only did the S. And, so you know, STAB football has been pretty much a powerhouse in Virginia for several years now - either a champion or runner-up every year since 1998 except for 2002 and 2004.

Anonymous said...

Emily - I have no way to contact you via email, so I am leaving a message for you here (hope that is okay with our blogger). Go to the STAB website (you can likely google it if you do not know the address) and read the new headmaster's letters. One is to the students and it is thought-provoking: a call to be a more spiritual person instead of making a rule ...) I am not there, so I do not know how/who he is, but it seems it might be different. I was surprised as how much faculty turnover there has been, but perhaps they have all moved on to better things (or, since many were not-so-young when you were there, perhaps they have retired ...) Anyway, hope all is good where you are! Best, Jayne

Anonymous said...

From Jayne: As of today, STAB is 7-0 this year. Just beat Norfolk Academy, who was suppose to be REALLY good.

Anonymous said...

From Jayne: STAB defeated ChristChurch on Friday, 17 November to take the state title. Who knew they were so good?